
How can I report abuse on an account hosted by Koerge

In the event that you discover any website hosted by us that is sharing or distributing dangerous content please bring this to our atention immediately by emailing the offending site and the URL to abuse@koerge.com.

What we class as offensive or dangerous content:

  • Phishing sites or fake portal pages on websites disguised as legitimate sites. These sites usually look like well known bank login pages, paypal login pages etc.
  • Pages or websites that have malicious files such as viruses hosted on them
  • Pages or websites that have offensive/illegal content hosted on them such as illegal download links or files

When we receive any abuse email we review the website as soon as possible and get back to you if need be. If we deem that the site hosting any malicious content we will disable the website immediately and inform the owner that their site has removed for hosting malicious content.